Humboldt River Basin Water Authority
NDWR staff have been reviewing presentations and recordings from the series of meetings held on August 1, September 6, and September 26, 2023, and are compiling the key points and ideas for further analysis and consideration. Staff have also been reviewing the reports documenting the groundwater flow models for the upper, middle, and lower Humboldt regions. Evaluation of Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Upper Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (Carroll et al. 2023) has been published as Bulletin 49 and Groundwater Discharge from Phreatophyte Vegetation, Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (Huntington et al. 2022) has been published as Bulletin 48, both of which are available on the NDWR website. The remaining model reports are still in review and will be similarly published when they are released. The next meeting to update stakeholders on our analysis and ideas we believe can be implemented in the near term, longer term, and those that will require legislative action to move forward will be held at 1:00 pm on March 19, 2024, at the NDWR office and via Microsoft Teams.
Click here to see the Announcement and information required to join the meeting remotely.