The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is proposing a regulatory action for adoption of an updated antidegradation program with clear implementation procedures that would be applicable to all surface waters of the State. The proposed regulatory action also outlines a process for nominating certain State waters that have exceptional or special water quality characteristics or important ecological, aesthetic, or recreational value as an “ecological or aesthetic water” (EAW). The designation of an EAW would involve a future formal rule-making process specific to the nominated waterbody.
The objective of antidegradation is to protect the existing quality of all surface waters. This objective is achieved through adoption of an antidegradation program and implementation procedures to ensure that waters are protected from regulated activities that have the potential to lower the water quality. EAWs are afforded a higher level of antidegradation protection to maintain and protect the unique or special characteristics of that water.
Click here for key date and times of upcoming virtual meetings regarding this action and documents and correspondence.