The Humboldt River Basin Water Authority was established in 1995 as a separate legal entity by Humboldt, Lander, Eureka, Elko and Pershing Counties pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 277.080 and 277.170 inclusive of Nevada’s lnterlocal Cooperation Act to oppose a proposal to export in excess of 300,000 acre-feet of groundwater from the Upper Humboldt River Basin to the Lower Carson River Basin (EcoVision Project). The water right applications were subsequently denied by the Nevada State Engineer as speculative in nature.
Since its formation the 15-Member HRBWA Board of Directors have continued to meet quarterly to act in a unified and cooperative manner with respect to ensuring the quality and availability of ground and surface water supplies which originate within or pass through the Humboldt River Basin as necessary to enhance environmental, social, economic, and fiscal conditions within the Basin.