The California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System (CA-NV DEWS) November 2021 Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar is part of a series of regular drought and climate outlook webinars designed to provide stakeholders and other interested parties in the region with timely information on current drought status and impacts, as well as a preview of current and developing climatic events (i.e. El Niño and La Niña). Click here to read the summary/play the webinar.
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Recap of California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System November Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar
November 29th, 2021 by Jeff FontaineAirplane to Make Low-Level Flights Over Western and Northern Nevada and Part of Eastern California
November 10th, 2021 by Jeff FontaineResidents and visitors may witness a low-flying aircraft over western Nevada and part of eastern California starting around November 1, 2021 and continuing into the summer of 2022. The airplane, operated under contract to the U.S. Geological Survey to study the geology of the Great Basin, will be making low-level flights over western and northern Nevada and part of eastern California. Click here to see the USGS press release and map.
Nevadans encouraged to share input, shape the future of water management across the state
November 10th, 2021 by Jeff FontaineNevada Division of Water Resources releases online public survey providing all Nevadans with the opportunity to share their input and perspectives to help inform the next State Water Plan.
Nov. 9, 2021. Today, the Nevada Division of Water Resources released a survey to gather input from the public on all aspects of water management in Nevada to help guide development of an updated State Water Plan. The survey is available online at through December 15, 2021.
The new State Water Plan will serve as a high-level policy and planning guide focused on addressing Nevada’s many complex water challenges, including the increasing demand for limited water resources, floods, prolonged drought, dam safety, and sustainment of our wetlands and freshwater ecosystems – all within the over-arching context of Nevada’s rapidly growing population and the accelerating impacts of climate change occurring in all corners of the state.
“Nevada is in a critical time of water management,” said Adam Sullivan, State Engineer/Nevada Division of Water Resources Administrator. “As the driest and one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, the demands on our limited water resources make thoughtful and strategic water management in Nevada more important than ever. We look forward to engaging with Nevada’s communities and gaining key insights through the State Water Plan public survey to support a sustainable, vibrant water future in the years ahead.”
For more information or to complete the public survey, visit
NDEP issues Notice of Intent to Conduct Triennial Review of Nevada’s Surface Water Quality Standards
September 22nd, 2021 by Jeff FontaineThe Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality Planning (BWQP) is initiating a
review of Nevada’s Surface Water Quality Standards (WQS). This review is to evaluate the need to update or revise
Nevada’s WQS to remain consistent with State and Federal law and to ensure that Nevada’s WQS continue to
reflect the best available science
The Triennial Review hearing will be held online on November 16, 2021, at 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The public is encouraged to participate either virtually or telephonically using the links or the dial-in numbers provided in the notice. The hearing will consist of a brief presentation by NDEP staff and a public discussion period. No items will be voted on and no actions will be taken during the hearing.
NDEP proposes regulations to protect the existing quality of all surface waters
August 21st, 2021 by Jeff FontaineThe Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is proposing a regulatory action for adoption of an updated antidegradation program with clear implementation procedures that would be applicable to all surface waters of the State. The proposed regulatory action also outlines a process for nominating certain State waters that have exceptional or special water quality characteristics or important ecological, aesthetic, or recreational value as an “ecological or aesthetic water” (EAW). The designation of an EAW would involve a future formal rule-making process specific to the nominated waterbody.
The objective of antidegradation is to protect the existing quality of all surface waters. This objective is achieved through adoption of an antidegradation program and implementation procedures to ensure that waters are protected from regulated activities that have the potential to lower the water quality. EAWs are afforded a higher level of antidegradation protection to maintain and protect the unique or special characteristics of that water.
Click here for key date and times of upcoming virtual meetings regarding this action and documents and correspondence.
Drought Impacts Increase Across California-Nevada and Concern for Wildfire Potential Grows
June 3rd, 2021 by Jeff FontaineThis Drought Status Update is issued in partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California-Nevada Applications Program, a NOAA RISA team, and the Western Regional Climate Center at the Desert Research Institute to communicate the current state of drought conditions in California-Nevada based on recent conditions and the upcoming forecast. NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Updates as conditions evolve.
Click here to access the full drought update.